Tag: grateful

There's more than one way to be grateful

If you haven’t already seen this video of pastor Joe Nelms giving thanks in prayer before a NASCAR race in Nashville, you’re in for a treat. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J74y88YuSJ8] I grew up Catholic and have heard a whole lot of prayers and invocations in my life — but have never heard such impassioned thanks raised up to God for the power and…

I am grateful for: traditional jazz

Preservation Hall Jazz Band plays New York tonight and I’m such a geeky fan girl that I’m going even though I think I’ve seen them five times already this year. Traditional jazz is my soul music. It never fails to make me happy. Whether I am covered in mud on a rainy day at New Orleans Jazz Fest or packed…

Are you being polished by life?

I subscribe to the Quote of the Day e-mail from All About Gratitude. Most of them are pretty good, but this one recently really struck me: “The diamond cannot be polished without friction, nor the man perfected without trials.” ~ Chinese Proverb I love a blog about gratitude reminding me that life’s trials aren’t to be avoided but a path…