Tag: blogger

What brings people to Newvine Growing?

Some people arrive here because of links I post on Facebook or Twitter. Others subscribe to e-mail or RSS updates, and some generous readers pass along links to friends who might be interested. Search engines are also responsible for a good chunk of traffic. And while some people arrive after searching for, say, Ben Jaffe, happiest people in the world…

Newvine Growing is all about evolving and growing

I launched this blog nearly two years ago as a means of exploring my own mini midlife crisis. I wanted a venue to explore questions like what makes life meaningful, what makes us happy, who should my role models be in living life well. Of course being a data nerd, I’m interested in which of these issues get the most…

Greatest hits of Newvine Growing

I’ll be at SXSW for a few more days, probably spending more time talking about blogging and social media than actually having time to do it myself. So much like the TV networks used to let you catch up on your favorite shows with summer reruns, here are some greatest hits of Newvine Growing to entertain you until I’m back…