Tag: achieving your goals

Don't get distracted by the shiny object

I don’t know many people who don’t have goals or aspirations but almost everyone I know feels the tension of not accomplishing what they’d like. Some people struggle to find their passions but it seems many more have an idea in mind  yet keep getting pulled away by distractions, procrastination and just life itself. Why is that? A blog post by Jennifer…

Reblog from Zen Habits: The Child That Holds Us Back

We’re a little more than a week in — have you already abandoned your optimistic New Year’s resolutions? One of my favorite blogs,  Zen Habits,  recently had a post that spoke to the reasons we struggle to make change, even changes we might really want or need. The Child That Holds Us Back By Leo Babauta It took me a…

HBR: Developing rituals can help achieve your goals

A recent Harvard Business Review suggested the best way to achieve your goals is to not demand too much of yourself. That’s not to say set your goals low — but if you want to reach a goal, don’t make it harder than it needs to be to get there. In a post headlined “The Only Way to Get Important…