
I launched my blog in 2009 when I was wrestling with a midlife crisis. Since then, the digital world has changed so much. I was new to both Facebook and Twitter when I started blogging, and I was still rocking the BlackBerry for email. Instagram hadn’t launched yet. Podcasting and short videos are what the cool kids do these days, blogging is considered old fashioned. But I still find it the best way to share my thoughts and to profile people who inspire me.

I hope you’ll find something here that inspires you, or at least sparks a conversation. Some of my favorite posts are pinned to the top, scroll down a bit more to find the most recent, or check out the categories in the sidebar.

The art of reinvention: Alan Rubin

A few years back, John and I stayed in a beatiful bed and breakfast in Amsterdam as part of a European vacation. We were pretty worn out from an overly aggressive agenda in France, so by the time we got to Amsterdam, we accomplished close to nothing on our list: no boat ride on the canal, no Van Gogh museum,…

Changing careers when it's not your idea

Many of my friends are journalists — reporters, editors, photographers, the many things people do to deliver you the news every day. But with advertising drying up and Wall Street hammering on news organizations that mostly still seem flummoxed by how to make money online, that’s a tough place to make a living. A graphic designer started keeping track of all…

"Change" as the single-word political platform

It would be hard to write a blog about change without mentioning the historic events in Washington this week.                         But while it’s easy to hold up a “Change” poster at a campaign rally, real change can be hard. It would seem particularly so in politics, where not only…

Love the Life You've Got

If you’re humming “Love the One You’re With,” you’re on the right track. Even if you are dating yourself a bit. On a December work trip to London, I picked up Red magazine. I’d never read Red, but it appears to be a British version of Glamour or Elle. Since the nice people at Hachette Filipacchi, which owns Red, apparently…

Finding the silver lining in bad times

Eight years ago, I had one of the worst weeks of my life. One day I was laid off. The next day my mom was diagnosed with cancer. I was newly married, a new home owner, and the primary bread winner in our household. I’d left a newspaper with a job-for-life promise to its employees to pursue a new opportunity,…

Transformation in life and business

One of the cliches that stuck with me from business school is that industries change either through evolution or revolution. I think that applies to people, as well, and I find both kinds of change interesting. Last weekend, the New York Times ran an article that expressed well some of what I’ve been feeling lately — that society gives so much attention…