
I launched my blog in 2009 when I was wrestling with a midlife crisis. Since then, the digital world has changed so much. I was new to both Facebook and Twitter when I started blogging, and I was still rocking the BlackBerry for email. Instagram hadn’t launched yet. Podcasting and short videos are what the cool kids do these days, blogging is considered old fashioned. But I still find it the best way to share my thoughts and to profile people who inspire me.

I hope you’ll find something here that inspires you, or at least sparks a conversation. Some of my favorite posts are pinned to the top, scroll down a bit more to find the most recent, or check out the categories in the sidebar.

Making our own luck by being open to possibility

Late in the summer, I finally made it through an aging copy of Psychology Today in a magazine stack next to the bed. I kept that magazine since 2010 because its cover promoted an article on making your own luck, though I can’t begin to explain why it took me two years to read a well-written piece on a topic…

Reblog from DailyWorth: Saying ‘Yes’ Pays Off

I’ve read many articles about the value of saying yes — but I’m not sure I’ve ever seen it in financial terms as clear as this article by Susan Gregory Thomas on Daily Worth: This March when I moved to Philadelphia, I was broke—25 years of living in New York, the past five of it as the breadwinner for my…

Blogversation 2012: What did you do on your summer vacation?

Throughout this year, several bloggers will engage in a conversation here and on their blogs — asking questions of each other and responding. Others are absolutely welcome to join the conversation, as well. Learn more about the ladies of Blogversation 2012. Today’s question comes from your Blogversation hostess, Colleen Newvine Tebeau, @cnewvine on Twitter. What did you do on your…

20 years ago, I was just home from London …

Watching the Olympics this summer has been fun and not just because Ryan Lochte is about the cutest thing to happen to swimming. Seeing all the images of Big Ben and the Thames make me nostalgic for my experience on a Temple University summer program in London 20 years ago. Now I feel like it was a bit of a…

Blogversation 2012: What have you done when some life-altering event has happened to you?

Throughout this year, several bloggers will engage in a conversation here and on their blogs — asking questions of each other and responding. Others are absolutely welcome to join the conversation, as well. Learn more about the ladies of Blogversation 2012. Today’s question comes from Kay Hoffman Goluska, who blogs at Pen on Pointe.  She’s @PenOnPointe on Twitter. What have you…

How to like your current job more

If you spent Sunday evening dreading the arrival of Monday morning, this post is for you. If you spend eight hours a day at work, not even including time spent commuting or eating lunch, you probably spend more time at your job during the week then you do at home, with your spouse or with your kids. So if you…

Blogversation 2012: When have you had an a-ha moment about your life?

Throughout this year, several bloggers will engage in a conversation here and on their blogs — asking questions of each other and responding. Others are absolutely welcome to join the conversation, as well. Learn more about the ladies of Blogversation 2012. Today’s question comes from your hostess, Colleen (@cnewvine on Twitter) — inspired by Lara Zielin (@larazielin). When have you…

Blogversation 2012: What do you do to deal with the heat?

Throughout this year, several bloggers will engage in a conversation here and on their blogs — asking questions of each other and responding. Others are absolutely welcome to join the conversation, as well. Learn more about the ladies of Blogversation 2012. Joining the Blogversation today is Mary Jean Babic, a Brooklyn-based writer and a new blogger on a Tumblr site…

Before I die … an interactive art installation

John and I recently spent a day in Woodstock, that small New York state town best known for the music festival that shares its name. As we wrapped up brunch at the lovely Oriole9, we saw this huge chalkboard in their entry way: It called to mind Jennifer Worick’s recent Blogversation question: What is the one thing in life that…

Blogversation 2012: What do you do to take care of your health?

Throughout this year, several bloggers will engage in a conversation here and on their blogs — asking questions of each other and responding. Others are absolutely welcome to join the conversation, as well. Learn more about the ladies of Blogversation 2012. Today’s question comes from your Blogversation hostess, Colleen: @cnewvine on Twitter. What do you do to take care of…

Blogversation 2012: What routines or rituals do you engage in at the start and/or end of the day?

Throughout this year, several bloggers will engage in a conversation here and on their blogs — asking questions of each other and responding. Others are absolutely welcome to join the conversation, as well. Learn more about the ladies of Blogversation 2012. Today’s question comes from Eleanor Traubman, Creative Times, @creativetimes on Twitter: What routines or rituals do you engage in…

Blogversation 2012: How have you dealt with a fashion emergency?

Throughout this year, several bloggers will engage in a conversation here and on their blogs — asking questions of each other and responding. Others are absolutely welcome to join the conversation, as well. Learn more about the ladies of Blogversation 2012. Today’s question comes from the fashionable, creative Lesley Ware, On Twitter, Lesley is @creativecookie. The other day I…

Reblog from Lisa McGill: A Change Will Do You Good

Facebook can be an incredible tool: thanks to Mark Zuckerberg, I reconnected with a high school friend I’d known as Lisa Crozier. At the time, she was a young widow with two small girls, grieving the loss of a husband she deeply loved and trying to be a good single mom. Even better than us getting back in touch, Facebook…

Blogversation 2012: What is the one thing in life that you still most want to do?

Throughout this year, several bloggers will engage in a conversation here and on their blogs — asking questions of each other and responding. Others are absolutely welcome to join the conversation, as well. Learn more about the ladies of Blogversation 2012. This week’s question comes from Jennifer Worick,, on Twitter as @jennifer_worick: What is the one thing in life that…

Reblog from David Chaitt: Don’t compare yourself to others

I loved this short, sweet post on This is Me, David Chaitt’s blog. David kindly gave me permission to share it here. Don’t compare yourself to others It’s a toxic state of mind. Once you head down that road, you’ll feel a combination of frustration, depression, satisfaction, regret, relief, failure, numbness, and disappointment.  In the long run, even the positive…

Blogversation 2012: How do you prefer to communicate?

Throughout this year, several bloggers will engage in a conversation here and on their blogs — asking questions of each other and responding. Others are absolutely welcome to join the conversation, as well. Learn more about the ladies of Blogversation 2012. Today’s question comes from your Blogversation hostess, Colleen: @cnewvine on Twitter. How do you prefer to communicate? Does it…

Blogversation 2012: How important are organized politics in your life? Are you politically active?

Throughout this year, several bloggers will engage in a conversation here and on their blogs — asking questions of each other and responding. Others are absolutely welcome to join the conversation, as well. Learn more about the ladies of Blogversation 2012. We’re about halfway through 2012 and one of the things I’m loving about this Blogversation project is the different…