Category: lifestyle

Blogversation 2012: How do you set up your workspace?

Throughout this year, several bloggers will engage in a conversation here and on their blogs — asking questions of each other and responding. Others are absolutely welcome to join the conversation, as well. Learn more about the ladies of Blogversation 2012. Today’s question comes from Lesley Ware, On Twitter, Lesley is @creativecookie. For as long as I can remember…

Coming to terms with an unusual name

My mom liked to tell a story that made it sound like I was named on a bet. Or more accurately, as a permanent “I told you so.” If you’d met my mom, you’d buy this as totally plausible. My mother was pregnant before ultrasounds became routine and our family doctor told her I’d be a boy born around March…

Blogversation 2012: How do you cope?

Throughout this year, several bloggers will engage in a conversation here and on their blogs — asking questions of each other and responding. Others are absolutely welcome to join the conversation, as well. Learn more about the ladies of Blogversation 2012. Today’s question comes from Jennifer Worick,, on Twitter as @jennifer_worick: When things become overwhelming, how do you find balance,…

Blogversation 2012: How do you define community and how do you nurture it?

Throughout this year, several bloggers will engage in a conversation here and on their blogs — asking questions of each other and responding. Others are absolutely welcome to join the conversation, as well. Learn more about the ladies of Blogversation 2012. Today’s question — like last week’s installment, actually a series of related questions — comes from Amy Throndsen, on Twitter…

Saying yes to new things expands your life

We recently wrapped up season two of “Friday Night Lights,” having only completed season one a few weeks ago. That’s the benefit of watching a TV series on Netflix — when you find something you love, you can go on a bender, watching several episodes in a sitting. I’d heard about “Friday Night Lights,” but figured a show about high…

Blogversation 2012: What would make the world better for women?

Throughout this year, several bloggers will engage in a conversation here and on their blogs — asking questions of each other and responding. Others are absolutely welcome to join the conversation, as well. Learn more about the ladies of Blogversation 2012. Today’s question — which is actually a series of related questions — comes from Eleanor Traubman, Creative Times, @creativetimes…

Blogversation 2012: Perfection vs Perfunctory – Which Is Better?

Throughout this year, several bloggers will engage in a conversation here and on their blogs — asking questions of each other and responding. Others are absolutely welcome to join the conversation, as well. Learn more about the ladies of Blogversation 2012. Today’s question comes from Lauren McCabe,, @mermaidtales on Twitter: Perfection vs Perfunctory – Which Is Better? This is…

Whitney Houston's sad story, which we've heard many times before

From Jim Morrison to Michael Jackson, from Janis Joplin to Amy Winehouse, perhaps the saddest part of Whitney Houston’s death is that she’s hardly the first great talent to burn hot and flame out. So many people have already written smarter, better informed pieces about Whitney’s rise and fall than I could ever hope to touch, so I’ll just point…

Blogversation 2012: What's your experience with ending friendships?

Throughout this year, several bloggers will engage in a conversation here and on their blogs — asking questions of each other and responding. Others are absolutely welcome to join the conversation, as well. Learn more about the ladies of Blogversation 2012. Since it’s a commonly accepted goal in our culture to find a mate for a monogamous marriage, most people…

Blogversation 2012: What's your favorite blog post?

Throughout this year, several bloggers will engage in a conversation here and on their blogs — asking questions of each other and responding. Others are absolutely welcome to join the conversation, as well. Learn more about the ladies of Blogversation 2012. We kicked off this online salon a few weeks back, so the Blogversationists are still getting to know each…

What makes a marriage meaningful?

The New York Times recently ran an interesting article headlined The Happy Marriage Is the ‘Me’ Marriage. Tara Parker-Pope wrote about not what makes a marriage last but what makes it meaningful, including the ways your partner makes your life better: Dr. Aron and Gary W. Lewandowski Jr., a professor at Monmouth University in New Jersey, have studied how individuals…

Should you really do what you love?

I like contrarian advice — not that I always agree with the devil’s advocate view, but I think it’s useful to challenge conventional wisdom and reconsider whether you still believe it’s true. For example: Do you really need to drink eight glasses of water a day? Is eight hours of sleep best for you? Should all couples be monogamous? Are…

Blogversation 2012: Do you make New Year's resolutions?

Throughout this year, several bloggers will engage in a conversation here and on their blogs — asking questions of each other and responding. Others are absolutely welcome to join the conversation, as well. Learn more about the ladies of Blogversation 2012. I like using the calendar as a prompt in my life. I’m a big fan of birthdays, and I…

Blogversation 2012: How and why did you become a blogger?

Throughout this year, several bloggers will engage in a conversation here and on their blogs — asking questions of each other and responding. Learn more about the ladies of Blogversation 2012. I first started blogging in 2006 with a limited goal: We were going to spend a month subletting a New York City apartment, giving us a chance to test…

Child sexual abuse is a secret not worth keeping

Editor’s note: this post contains graphic sexual content and may be offensive to some readers. In fact, it should be offensive to all readers. When I saw students taking to the streets to protest the firing of Penn State football coach Joe Paterno, I felt a wave of outrage. Actually, just rage. How could those football fans conjure that much…