Category: home and family

Mother's Day can be a challenge when you've lost your mom

Editor’s note: This post gets a lot of traffic from people searching phrases like “mothers day wishes for someone who lost their mom.” I love that so many of you are looking to offer your love and support, and would personally suggest following your heart with something simple like “Thinking of you and your mom today,” or “Are you doing…

Can Tiger come back? Will he have to reinvent his image?

Tiger Woods returned to golf this week, reigniting the discussion about whether his sexual exploits are his own personal business or whether his behavior off the green should play a role in his (previously) lucrative career as a corporate spokesman. Having lost several sponsorship deals in recent months, Tiger appears to be looking for a way to position himself as…

Would you trade misery at home for success in your work?

David Brooks at the New York Times asked a tough question this week in his column: Two things happened to Sandra Bullock this month. First, she won an Academy Award for best actress. Then came the news reports claiming that her husband is an adulterous jerk. So the philosophic question of the day is: Would you take that as a…

Paying the rent is just one way of taking care of your spouse

Much fuss was made over the January release of a Pew Research Center study showing women’s incomes had grown much faster than men’s from 1970 to 2007. Women increasingly have more education and make more money than their husbands, the headlines shouted. Can V-Day survive shifting roles? For some women who earn more than their husbands, more money means more…

Retirement might not make you stress free

Do you long to retire early and enjoy a life of leisure? Not so fast. A study from the national Health and Retirement Study followed about 12,000 retirees and found that those who worked part time or on a temporary basis were significantly less likely to be diagnosed with high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, lung disease, heart disease, stroke, arthritis…

Let's call them goals instead of resolutions

Monday morning I caught the end of a piece about New Year’s resolutions on The Takeaway, a syndicated radio show produced at our NPR affiliate, WNYC. We’re joined by our family contributor Ylonda Caviness, longtime family and parenting journalist and mother of three, along with Andrea Price, mother of two; both discuss meaningful New Year’s resolutions (or “goals,” as Price…

The relationship between work, home and happiness

A great article in BusinessWeek … make that Bloomberg BusinessWeek .. addresses the cause and effect of happiness and work. Authors Marshall and Kelly Goldsmith reviewed a survey on short-term satisfaction and long-term benefit at work and at home. A few observations they made really got me thinking: There is an incredibly high correlation between people’s happiness and meaning at…

Party pointers from a hostess who learned later in life

John and I like to host parties. In our dozen years together, we’ve hosted multi-course dinner parties, booze-fueled cocktail parties and backyard barbecue parties. John grew up with parents who threw parties so whether through nature or nurture, it comes naturally to him. Though my mom often had friends pop over for a beer, other than her 30th birthday, I…

Everything I need to know about Christmas, I learned from the Grinch

Holiday season is upon us, and with it comes numerous sources of stress: The search for the perfect gift. The pressure to throw the perfect party. Worries about whether long-simmering family tensions will boil over at the dinner table. Instead of Norman Rockwell scenes of snow-dusted bliss, my dad, the retired cop, tells blood-curdling stories of domestic scenes on Christmas…

On loving a hard-to-love cat

I adopted Haley when I was a senior in college. It was fall 1991, right around the first time I heard Nirvana. She proved to be an odd cat almost immediately. When I got home from working at the college newspaper late at night, I tried to get her to come to bed with me. She would have none of…

Three kitchen purchases I thought were wasteful but I love

While I do confess a weakness for costume jewelry and flashy shoes, I am, in my heart, a practical girl. Whenever I’m considering a significant purchase, I ponder “Do I really need this? Can I make do without it?” The answers were “No” and “Yes” for all three of these kitchen purchases we’ve made. But I stand behind all three.…

Are we putting you to sleep yet?

Apparently the topic of going to bed with your mate generates a lot of interest — and truly, I’m just talking about sleeping. The Atlanta Journal Constitution’s Momania blog quoted my blog post about Lucy and Ricky beds maybe being good for your marriage. Check out Theresa’s post — and the dozens of passionate comments — here. Then Information House…