Author: Colleen Newvine Tebeau

Making resolutions you can keep

Have you ever stood with your glass of champagne in hand and declared that this year is the one when you’ll run a marathon, lose 50 pounds or get a great new job? Then all you have to show for your half-hearted commitment is a champagne hangover? This week I’m blogging about making — and keeping — resolutions. Yesterday I…

Career insights from Jason Bateman

I didn’t get to take a massage with actor Jason Bateman, but the neighbor of our friends did, so that’s how I came to read an interview with the child actor turned adult funny man in Men’s Health. Besides feeling a degree of connection to the writer, I was intrigued by a headline that says “A man learns a thing…

The relationship between work, home and happiness

A great article in BusinessWeek … make that Bloomberg BusinessWeek .. addresses the cause and effect of happiness and work. Authors Marshall and Kelly Goldsmith reviewed a survey on short-term satisfaction and long-term benefit at work and at home. A few observations they made really got me thinking: There is an incredibly high correlation between people’s happiness and meaning at…

Party pointers from a hostess who learned later in life

John and I like to host parties. In our dozen years together, we’ve hosted multi-course dinner parties, booze-fueled cocktail parties and backyard barbecue parties. John grew up with parents who threw parties so whether through nature or nurture, it comes naturally to him. Though my mom often had friends pop over for a beer, other than her 30th birthday, I…

Everything I need to know about Christmas, I learned from the Grinch

Holiday season is upon us, and with it comes numerous sources of stress: The search for the perfect gift. The pressure to throw the perfect party. Worries about whether long-simmering family tensions will boil over at the dinner table. Instead of Norman Rockwell scenes of snow-dusted bliss, my dad, the retired cop, tells blood-curdling stories of domestic scenes on Christmas…

Meet me halfway, local businesses

I feel strongly about supporting local businesses — they contribute to the character of my community so my job is to financially contribute to their success. Their job is to make that possible. If you make it hard for me to spend money in your shop, depending on how much I like you and your establishment, I might try try…

Stories of reinvention in today's NY Times business section

We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming … I’ve been blogging about gratitude for the last month and now it’s time to shift back to writing more broadly about reinvention and transformation. Apparently the New York Times knew I might need some help with blog topics, since the business editors packed three good stories of reinvention today: Wines,…

Day 31: How will you celebrate your gratitude tomorrow?

Leading up to Thanksgiving, each day I will blog about what I’m doing to be more grateful. I invite you to join me in a Month of Thanksgiving, and to share your thoughts, observations, suggestions and ideas. Day 31: How will you celebrate your gratitude tomorrow? Is it a long tradition or a new idea? When I launched the Month…

Day 30: Giving thanks, social media style

Leading up to Thanksgiving, each day I will blog about what I’m doing to be more grateful. I invite you to join me in a Month of Thanksgiving, and to share your thoughts, observations, suggestions and ideas. Day 30: Tweeting about thankfulness and getting ideas from a blog Thanksgiving is this week and that means lots of other people are…

Day 29: Life's messy and that's OK

There are certain life events that seem to amplify our natural tendencies toward perfectionism — planning a wedding and hosting Thanksgiving dinner among them.
We pull out a Martha Stewart yard stick to measure our efforts and almost certainly fall short. In real life, most of us don’t have a staff of dozens invisibily helping and we won’t make five turkeys so we can photograph whichever one looks most perfectly golden, then Photoshop out any flaws.
In short, real life is messy.

Day 28: Giving thanks for my family

Leading up to Thanksgiving, each day I will blog about what I’m doing to be more grateful. I invite you to join me in a Month of Thanksgiving, and to share your thoughts, observations, suggestions and ideas. Day 28: Giving thanks for my family The New York Times had an article earlier this week about breathtakingly bad behavior family members…

Day 27: Thank you for being a friend

Leading up to Thanksgiving, each day I will blog about what I’m doing to be more grateful. I invite you to join me in a Month of Thanksgiving, and to share your thoughts, observations, suggestions and ideas. Day 27: Giving thanks for my friends Yesterday I gave thanks for my hubby, John Tebeau, my best friend. I’m also grateful for…

Day 25: What are you grateful for?

Leading up to Thanksgiving, each day I will blog about what I’m doing to be more grateful. I invite you to join me in a Month of Thanksgiving, and to share your thoughts, observations, suggestions and ideas. Day 25: Some of the early contest entries from people sharing why they are grateful I assumed when I embarked on a Month…

Day 24: Giving thanks for simple pleasures

    Leading up to Thanksgiving, each day I will blog about what I’m doing to be more grateful. I invite you to join me in a Month of Thanksgiving, and to share your thoughts, observations, suggestions and ideas. Day 24: Giving thanks for the simple pleasures in life Many Thanksgiving dinners I’ve been part of have included everyone going…

Day 23: Share your gratitude and win prizes!

Leading up to Thanksgiving, each day I will blog about what I’m doing to be more grateful. I invite you to join me, and to share your thoughts, observations, suggestions and ideas. Day 23: Join me in the Month of Thanksgiving and you have three chances to win prizes With just a little more than a week between now and…

Day 22: Finding gratitude in grief

Leading up to Thanksgiving, each day I will blog about what I’m doing to be more grateful. I invite you to join me, and to share your thoughts, observations, suggestions and ideas. Day 22: Finding gratitude while we grieve It’s been a sad weekend for us. On Friday, we put down our 18-year-old cat, suffering from advanced heart disease.  Then…

Day 20: The value of giving and receiving praise directly

Leading up to Thanksgiving, each day I will blog about what I’m doing to be more grateful. I invite you to join me, and to share your thoughts, observations, suggestions and ideas. Day 20: Why should you bother to say thank you to someone who’s made you grateful? All week I’ve been writing about not only feeling gratitude but expressing…