Elizabeth Gilbert on creativity: don't be a genius, have a genius

For some reason, the only videos I can get to work embedded in my blog are YouTube, so click here to go to the TED site and watch Elizabeth Gilbert's talk.

I recently saw Eat, Pray, Love, the beautiful-to-watch movie version of Elizabeth Gilbert’s pop culture sensation memoir.
And just after seeing the movie, I stumbled onto this 2009 TED video of Gilbert talking about how society views creativity, the pressure she feels to live up to her last success and the need to release some of that pressure to just be with the process of creating.
It’s a really compelling 20 minutes so if you don’t have plans for lunch today, grab a sandwich and learn about the difference between being a genius and having a genius.
BONUS: If you have another 22 minutes to spend after that, stick around the TED site to watch author Amy Tan talk about her creative process.

I'm Colleen Newvine, and I would love to help you navigate your evolution or revolution
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