Progress and inclusivity require action and support.

Create a LGBTQ Field of Interest Fund

If LGBTQ advocacy and/or services is your passion, consider establishing an endowed field of interest fund at the Greater New Orleans Foundation.

The LGBTQ Funds benefit LGBTQ individuals and families in Louisiana by providing much-needed funding to organizations that increase the quality of life for LGBTQ individuals and families. Thanks to the generous support of donors and fundholders, suffering individuals and communities in crisis have received aid. Schools have received support for their staff to alleviate challenges faced by LGBTQ youth of color. Other grants have supported community-wide awareness of the LGBTQ community. No matter the organization, all grants made from this fund have gone to improving the status of LGBTQ citizens in our region and working towards ensuring equality for all.

Your fund, which can be named for you or a loved one, will be administered by the Foundation according to your intention, in support of LGBTQ-serving organizations for generations to come.

Many donors who establish this type of fund understand that the local organizations at the leading edge of LGBTQ services today may or may not be the same ones leading the charge 50 or 100 years from now.

Why a Field of Interest Fund?

Partnering with the Greater New Orleans Foundation for your field of interest fund allows you to rest easy knowing the Foundation will carry out your intent forever and always fund those organizations whose work best aligns with your wishes, despite the changing landscape of local organizations.

Want to know more?

To find out how to give to a Field of Interest fund or create one to support your passion, get in touch with Holly Hermes.