Madeline Morris

Communications Manager

Madeline, better known as Maddy, works to elevate the branding and messaging of the Foundation by way of its Communications & Public Affairs department. A New York native, she is thrilled to return to and immerse herself in the beloved New Orleans community, which she got to know well during her time at Tulane University.

Prior to joining the Foundation, Madeline worked abroad at the intersection of education and international development. She most recently worked as Manager of Development and Communications at Puentes Abroad, a social impact company that connects students with professional development opportunities in Latin America. Previously, she worked as an English Teacher in Chiang Kham, Thailand and Madrid, Spain, and following those stints, brought her passion for education equity to Ashinaga Uganda, a Japanese non-profit organization that supports high achieving, low-income students in their higher educational pursuits.

Madeline holds a Masters in Nonprofit Management from La Universidad de San Andres in Buenos Aires, Argentina, as well as a BS in Psychology and Spanish minor from Tulane University. In her spare time, you can find her planning trips and treks to all corners of the world, attending live music events, and snapping photos of all things food.