Gift Types

You can give back without just giving cash. Explore your options for donating gifts.

We offer a wide range of giving options and vehicles for you to use in creating a fund to meet your charitable goals. Since we are recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a public charity, donors receive the maximum tax benefits allowed by law. Once your fund is established, you can add to it at any time and in any dollar amount.

Gifts of Non-Cash Assets

The Greater New Orleans Foundation can accept an array of non-cash gifts, from closely held stock to personal property (such as art or jewelry).

Gifts of Securities

Gifts of appreciated securities (bonds and stock, including stock in closely held companies) also may be used to establish a fund or add to an existing fund. Such gifts often provide important tax advantages. Gifts of closely held stock enjoy the same tax benefits as publicly traded stock.

Gifts of Real Estate

Gifts of real estate to the Greater New Orleans Foundation can include a house, apartment building, farm, vacation home, commercial buildings and income-producing and non-income-producing land. You can make an outright gift of property now or through your estate, or use it to fund a Charitable Remainder Trust that provides income to you or your children. A gift of real estate that you have owned for more than a year entitles you to a tax deduction for the full market value of the property while allowing you to avoid capital gains tax.

Gifts of Life Insurance

Life insurance policies also can be used as charitable gifts. By naming the Greater New Orleans Foundation as the owner and beneficiary of an existing or new life insurance policy, you receive an immediate tax deduction, which usually approximates the cash surrender value of the policy. All premium payments made by you thereafter will be deductible as charitable contributions.

Gifts from a Private Foundation

A private foundation can make a grant to any fund at the Greater New Orleans Foundation. A private foundation may also transfer its assets to a Donor-Advised Fund or supporting organization to alleviate financial, tax and administrative burdens.

Planned Gifts: The 1923 Legacy Society

By planning now to give a gift from your estate, you can join hundreds of caring individuals who have ensured their charitable impact will live on in our region for generations to come. Our team of gift planning experts will work with you and your financial advisor or tax consultant to design the charitable giving strategy that fulfills your goals and provides the maximum financial and estate planning benefits for you and your family. Those who make a gift to the Foundation in their will may join the 1923 Society, which celebrates their generosity and their impact on future generations.

Bargain Sale

We purchase your property for less than fair market value. You receive cash and a charitable deduction for the difference between the market value and purchase price.

Life Estate

You give your property to the Greater New Orleans Foundation, but retain the right to use the property during your life.

Gifts to the Civic Leadership Fund

The Greater New Orleans Foundation needs generous donors to help us meet the costs of being a high-impact civic leader. When you give to the Civic Leadership Fund, you ensure the Foundation can meet its operating expenses, thereby freeing Foundation staff to focus their time, talent and other resources on meeting the needs of our region.

Get in touch below to give to the Civic Leadership Fund.

Want to know more?

To find out how you can give to the Greater New Orleans Foundation capital campaign, get in touch with Holly Robbins Hermes.